Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Episode 7: Irsai Olivér

Ever heard of Irsai Olivér? Neither had we; it's a grape... from Hungary. Feeling adventurous this month, we wanted to try something off the beaten track, so Nita grabbed this bottle of white and we gave it a taste. Then we chowed down on some Eastern European inspired foodstuffs. Indigenous grapes from less heard of wine destinations can be fun. Really.

Meat Salad Recipe (from my Mom):

1 lb or so of Fleischwurst (you will probably have to go to a specialty store for this one, I got it at Adam's Sausages here in Ottawa), sliced into strips
some chopped onion, as much or little as you like
1 or 2 pickles, chopped (I bought German gherkins at Adam's and used those)
1 tablespoon dill
2 teaspoons of white vinegar
1 or 2 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil
salt to taste

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix together!